What this is:
It’s my personal notepad, where I gather research / contemplate what may be actually happening with the SARS CoV 2 crisis, as well as where I attempt to scientifically evaluate the transfection and transformation technologies currently being advertised as vaccines. Biology themed for the most part. I do not provide medical advice, and nothing I say should be taken as such. I research open sources and provide my conclusions for other advanced researchers to assess, as a result, this material is not constructed for most lay people.
Simply click the name of the newsletter above, to see what is available ^_^ Final note, the name is an amalgamation of Rube Goldberg’s name
and Occam’s Razor
While I do think Occam’s razor is sometime a useful tool, it is far too often utilized as a crutch to prevent the pursuit of controversial ideas that may better explain topics or questions with high amounts of confounding factors, political bias, or economic incentives. I believe that is exactly what has happened with not only the creation of SARS CoV 2, but also with the subsequent liberty infringing actions performed en masse by governments after its purported emergence. As such, I found I needed the antithesis of this simplifying concept, to adequately explain what I wanted to investigate, and so Rube Goldberg’s Razor was born. It should be noted however, that I am no expert, and I hold no special authority. I am a college dropout with only 1 year of college education. I will leave it at that and not attempt to up sell my abilities in the fields we are currently looking at despite my decision to not stay in college. What I am more than anything, is a critical thinker with light scientific background, who never lost their passion for biology. My passion greatly increased after March 2020, when I began to become suspicious after “two weeks to slow the spread” had passed, and yet not a single irrelevant measure had lifted. I have never stopped learning since, and now that I no longer volunteer my work for others, I have decided to instead begin collating my thoughts here.