Completely OT: saw a comment from you on Unglossed and thought Rube Goldberg's razor...

Hmmmm Hanlon's razor = "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

Rube Goldberg = "complicated gadgets performing simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways"

Combine them and you have a substack name describing the pandemic: "Our 'leaders" designed complicated procedures, protocols and mandates to perform the simple task of keeping society 'safe' = 'healthy' via indirect, convoluted ways, not due to malice, but due to stupidity."

Stupidity mostly derived from "we gotta do something!!" and "polling shows the people we polled like what we're doing, keep doing it!!!", ignoring long-term debacle these actions will produce.


Alas it was Occam's razor, and invokes a more oxymoron combination - still clever, no question, but....

G'day. Nice to make your acquaintance.

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Nice, however not exactly right. It's actually Occam's razor. Rather than a simplistic explanation, an overly complicated "machinery" has been enacted, which most people consider impossible due to incorrect assumptions about the "simplicity" of the world. One example would be the classic appeal to authority that enables so many people to think nothing could possibly be wrong, i.e. "so many scientists can't be wrong" or "it can't be criminal because too many people would be aware". It's also how I see the virus itself, though I don't talk a lot about that. It looks to me like a mid step in a testing process for attempting to create HIV "vaccines" more so than outright bioweaponry, as many try to state. As such I find it to be a convoluted and quite frankly stupid set of ideas they were perusing with its creation. I fully explain the name in the "what this is" page if you want further reasoning. Figured it was needed since Substack shortened my freaking URL to rube.substack which I thought might look bad lol https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rube

But yeah, pleasure to meet you too. Just a heads up I am not the most friendly person around, but all are welcome and can ask me anything, as long as they are moderately respectful on my page. Sometimes I get salty and bitch at other people though like I was at poor Brian (Efficacy claims kinda piss me off) so you'll see me being a pain in the ass sometimes. If that's off putting you probably don't wanna interact with me lol

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"I am not the most friendly person around, but all are welcome and can ask me anything, as long as they are moderately respectful on my page."

Probably how others would describe me. I prefer direct, honest communication, not pussy-footing around trying not to hurt everyone's feelings and hinting at what we mean.

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"Nice, however not exactly right. It's actually Occam's razor."

Yes, I know. That's why I wrote, "Alas it was Occam's razor".

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Lol sorry, I was preoccupied and did not get that far xD

Embarrassing xD oops

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Recently, I discovered this. https://github.com/lay295/TwitchDownloader/releases TwitchDownloader (for Windows, MacOS, Linux) that seems to work pretty good. Just past the video id (from the URL) into the VOD Link/ID box, click "Get Info" and if it finds it, it can pull it. There are sometimes errors, but when I closed the app and tried again in 30 minutes it worked well.

Anyhow, thought I'd share that before I forgot. Too bad there's no DMs in Substack (but there is a subscriber chat that the author can post to their subscribers).

I hope things are going well!

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Hope it's going well for you too Sooth! I'm doing pretty good, much better actually. First real relaxation period I've had for a couple years now. That looks like a useful tool, better than what I do now, which is screen cap the video while I watch it xD

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That's great to hear! Relaxation is good. Stress is in general pretty bad.

I discovered the "Task Queue" button in that tool. That screen gives you a few other buttons, one of them is "Search VODs". When I put in "gigaohmbiological", it then shows me all of jj's videos that are available and I can select all the ones I want to download and it will do them in parallel. It's so handy! (It can also pull clips, so in theory if you have the right timestamps, you can just pull it... It looks like it can also recreate the entire stream w/ the chat if you download the chat and "render" it, but I haven't tried that yet.)

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Super important new stuff from captain dickhead


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Thanks! I skim read that when it came out. John Beaudoin alerted us that it was a must read and also Jessica Rose's version (which is easier to read for most people I think). https://open.substack.com/pub/jessicar/p/contamination-with-antibioticspike

Kevin's is very dense and there's still a lot I don't understand enough to think critically about.

Also not sure if you've been listening in on JJ's videos lately but he's started to look back at the early videos and reflecting and it's quite amazing. He's actually changed my mind on a few people now that he's looking back (and I guess I didn't even know those people back then ... ).

Also the Crawford, Kulacz, Couey trio on Rounding the Earth is quite the team. We'll see if they unearth things.

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Haven't watched much lately, but I did catch a recent show covering Malone which I enjoyed

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Holy crap that's really in depth. I appreciate it, should be a big help for any archiving I need to do still

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Looks like they're trying to kill you off on Twitter. https://twitter.com/bioanon_1vy_ Up until yesterday I was still able to read your feed.

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Yeah I took it down. It's pretty much dead and useless anyway, so I figured I'd take away the account, rather than grovel trying to get them to unlock it

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Merry Christmas! Looks like many accounts are coming back... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1606922846097530881.html

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Oh okay. That's too bad as that wipes out and thread reader app threads. (e.g. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1584778585767698433.html) I thought I had archived them as well but couldn't find the archives on either site.

Any clue what caused all the shadow banning?

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No idea, it's still on though. It happened right after I engaged with Malone. I know it's paranoid, but I really think it's either Malone, or the GP120 work I keep putting out, or a combination of both. I've got my account back on, we'll see if it clears up one day, but I think they've permanently disabled my reach under the justification that I'm too offensive (which we know is bullshit, because Lee is having zero problems, yet is way fucking worse). Instead of blocking offensive tweets, they hit me with a blanket reply shadowban. It's the weirdest shit I've ever seen, and it has now removed a ton of really important shit I said to all sorts of people, from public view. It's almost worse than just kicking me off the platform in my eyes, let's see if they keep doing it harder when I switch to quote tweeting instead

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Yup. Well Tom Czerniaski thinks there are still military ops people hanging around. (https://twitter.com/blacktomthepyr8/status/1602691453175697409)

So it could very well be GP120. I don't think any of the military departments want that exposed.

Malone could be an avenue as well but on what grounds? He's probably blocked leelasik by now. Leelasik is a great litmus test. He's so offensive that pretty much no one can be less offensive than him. So the real reason has to be something else.

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He's done plenty of contract work for I think the CIA? (don't quote me on this, I never looked super close).

Not sure exactly what it is, but I've seen multiple people bring up these ties. Always possible the man is a mole if those things are true. Also, he birthed the tech. It would not exist without his realization that he could package them in lipids I believe (can't remember exactly what paper it was he was on with the mice but it was clearly pivotal in making the technology even possible). I am with you though. I think it's the GP 120. However if Malone IS a mole (research the Breggins, and what they've done in the past. Suing them is a huge red flag) then that just reinforces my point. I said this the other day on that thread


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Suppression of replies has been removed. All my old tweets are visible again. Just randomly it flipped off like a switch. Weird as hell, worst suppression I've ever seen without outright removal

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Yeah I saw that. Back in business. Nice to have you back!

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I found a Reddit post a while ago where someone is a total Malone worshipper (it seems). Looked into Malone's past and then claimed that there's so much Malone can't say but then he'll drop hints about it in his speech.

Personally I think that's reading too much into it but it does get you thinking. If Malone was privy to state secrets, whether he's the mole or not doesn't matter that much. Because 1) he can't divulge those secrets anyhow and 2) they will shadow him. There's probably a small team of people in the MoD who is monitoring every tweet/substack/gettr/truth/whatever that Malone writes and going after anyone who's getting close.

Well, at this point we're all on a list...

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022Author

Very salient points

Fuck their list, I do what I want and say what I think. 3 letter agencies can't scare people who have spent their lives contemplating their own mortality, and coming to terms with it. I also don't care about the opinions of others.


I've philosophically removed my give a shit o meter for anything they might do. Most they can do is torture, kill, or frame/blackmail me (or all 3). People have died for much less, and I'd die for the right to be free/to disseminate this information, especially if it turns out to be right (could help a lot of SARS 2 vax injured people). Their little pissant monitoring tactics do not scare me. Also at this point, they've put half the country on their "list". I don't think I've ever been less intimidated and more disgusted, than I am with the current state of "intelligence" operations in America. The Whitmer plot was plenty of evidence to show that entrapment is their only card, that and of course, outright assassination:


They got time to fuck with pissed off citizens, trying to cultivate domestic terrorism from poor whites, but can't be bothered to track down Epstein's buddies. And that's just the FBI, the one with the BETTER track record, that I somewhat trust (I think there may be good people in it that do good things occasionally. Can't say the same for the CIA)


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Oh no! 😞 https://twitter.com/cas2328/status/1613598467137622016

I hope you come back (maybe after a few days?). You can't always change what people think. As long as they're open to something there's a chance they can change their minds. If I didn't believe people would change their minds, then I wouldn't be trying as hard to change them. 🙂

I've decided a long time ago that most of the world is wrong. What I mean by that is that it's already incredibly hard for a single person to know everything and get everything right. Now you multiply that by everyone. Because of that even collectively, we get most things wrong (at least partially wrong). So it's very reasonable for even very smart people to be wrong about many things. What's important is that we're "eventually" correct (even if that takes a while and we're still wrong on other things).

Anyhow, all the best and I hope you return!

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023Author

No I will not be coming back. I will also not be doing more volunteer work. I spent over two years of my life trying to figure this out and help people like Kevin and John, only for them to immediately piss in my face when I finally will not agree with them, and am attempting to call out some of these obviously dishonest people that they love so much. I'm done. I'm not wasting another moment of my life only to be called a narcissist and "rock band groupie loyalist" by some bald headed ass loser fuckheads, because their main objective is to suck the cock of Steve Kirsch. this shit isn't about Mark, or Steve being "wrong".

It's about the fact that Kevin Mckernan put down the GP 120 data right alongside everyone else in PANDA for literally months. Turns out I was right all along. Now, I'm attempting to tell them that Marc Girardot is not honest, and is clearly blatantly lying, while they're berating Lee for basically nothing. What do I get? Immediately placed upon the chopping block. They're out to participate in old man comradery dick stroking, not to help people. I don't care anymore. Fuck humanity and fuck them. Limited hangouts are a real thing. Co opting movements is a real thing. If they wanna be too childish to comprehend that we are engaged in 5th generation warfare, then so be it. They can shoulder the burden when those fucking snakes destroy everything they think they're working for. I on the other hand, am fucking out. I'm going back to my life, they can enjoy hanging out with Steve and Marc as much as their little pathetic hearts desire

Edit: I'm really just fed up in general. It's less about Kevin and John specifically, and more about the presence of Marc every single place I go, and everywhere I try to disseminate info. Been dealing with people bringing me stuff and asking me questions about his work, then venting similar thoughts and frustrations I have, for nearly a year (not accurate, oversimplification, can't know that, improper comparisons, not testing, virtually no actual data ect.). I Have attempted to change his mind, and show him, in multiple ways. Have seen multiple other people do it too. Best conclusion I can come to is that he's just dishonest, and his main goal is to push bolus and only bolus, which is really weird, concerning this page we are on and the information in it. Kevin should be able to comprehend this too, I know he can tell by the statements he's made. But when I try to publicly comment about the Marc plague as a correlate and comparator to show hypocrisy in how Lee is being treated, boom, jumped on for "attacking", when I don't GIVE A FUCK about Marc as a person. His ANALYISIS is incorrect. The conclusions I make about his personality as a result are unevidenced and they are my opinion, but I will not keep them to myself for fear of being excised. I'll simply excise myself if I'm going to be called dumb ad hominems like that for speaking my mind, and the truth about a concept or set of ideas. I'm on Twitter because I felt suppressed in PANDA, and felt that I had adequately debunked marcs statements, yet everyone just kept carrying on like he was likely right. Same thing with lab origin and GP120 for a while too, but from a different source. That guy I'm pretty sure was just wrong. He actually changed his mind after about a year, though it was NOT because of anything I said. They don't listen to anything that comes out of my mouth, at least not as much as they do when it's coming from their "bros" (probably because I dropped out of college. Or perhaps it's my personal lifestyle. Regardless I again, don't give a shit why, because I'm not here for their fucking moronic popularity contests). This bias is what I was trying to illustrate, though through proxy, by showing it also happening to Lee. Shitting on Lee for not knowing about toll receptors, then acting like their existence invalidates his IgG thoughts is for one, very stupid, which is something I didn't touch on much. Just because IgG may cross in amounts to lung tissue in cases of intense infection, does not invalidate what Lee states. IgG is mostly a blood based antibody, that is used for humoral immunity. It arises LAST in the order of infection, as it is used to permeate and clear infections from tissues and deep within the body. The secretory IgA system, membranes, IgM, inflammation, cytokines, and complement cascade come before the creation of linked B cell memory after drainage of viral debris to the lymph. That is the end response, and they (IgG NAbs) are mostly for viremia defense in the end of infection (plus they aren't effective. Destroying the viral factories is what curtails the infection, not binding to all the sub-genomic RNAs and other viral debris that are coming out of the cell, and not by attempting to land a tiny spike antibody on a tiny spike protein. Therefore, everyone without intense viremia, i.e. all asymptomatic infections, may not even produce IgG, despite being in contact with the viral material. They will still get memory B and T cells. Vaccine IgG may help in some seriously infected people (but of course ONLY for covid viral particles, nothing for other colds, mutated covid, flus, or pneumonia that arises with infection) but it is again, at the end of the infection defense line, not at the forefront where the real battle is often won.

I'll stop there but could go on. So yeah that's a low blow, as the Lung blood barrier is exactly why those protein channels have to exist to get the giant ass IgG across it. Lee could learn about them easily. He's not a "noob" he just needs a bit more brushing up on hardcore research. However there is also nothing wrong with his logical approach, in fact, it's correct. IgG to SARS CoV 2 did not exist in the majority of people that were first infected with it. bout 99.9% of those people lived, with a severe age gradient (elderly, who are low on T cells, being the worst, which also shows us IgG doesn't matter. Also doesn't matter in RSV, another res virus). Therefore most people did fine without its presence. Enough about that though. Sorry about the rant. The point:

Lee's level of comprehension and accuracy to actual reality is 100000x greater than Marc's. Yet he cruises around retweeting Marc, loving on him, then gets pissed at lee for not wanting to answer a yes or no question, and having beef with Steve Kirsch? WHO CARES? I care about who is ACCURATE, not who hates who. That was my point. But he called me that shit. Fuck him, and fuck John too. I would not take that shit to my face, calling me that shit would have caught them a hardcore cussing from me in person. They just don't wanna step on toes of people they think they can suck up to and "ally" with. I don't really care what their motives are, and normally that's great, but not if you're just gonna pick people because they're meek and agreeable, you like them, or if you just want to be in a group of psychophants sucking up to some dude who made the optical mouse. I intellectually respect people I think are individuals, I don't respect those I feel are led along by the statements of others, or those that seek to adhere to social norms to achieve their goals. I view such things as weaknesses of character. However, I have devoted enough of my time to trying to figure out what is going on, and to stop bad ideas. Marc won. I can't keep doing this. I know what is going on. That's enough for me. It's not my duty to make sure all these fucking idiots are actually accurate. Let them stumble and fumble. Kevin can't stumble, he knows too much, but I think his more human aspects will be the downfall of his work. Regardless this is not my duty. My objective was to stop the lockdowns and tyranny, so me and the people I love could live in a proper, sane world. Objective complete for now. I'm going back to my life. I can't put this behind a paywall after thinking though. It's for someone who was hurt after some shots. Idk if its right but it's important for them. That's the reason it's really here. I'm not putting in more research though. I'm just shouting into a void anyway

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Author

The man is poison (Marc), and I don't even agree with Kevin McCairn on a lot of stuff. I should specify that I was talking about Kevin Mckernan, who is NOT Kevin McCairn, when I was ranting (not sure if that was clear). I do still like both Kevins though. Just not gonna listen to any of them talk shit to me and insult me, when I'M the motherfucker that has been consistently correct concerning the most important aspects since the very start, and I know he fucking knows it. He just wanted to be mad and lash out, so he can go fuck himself forever. I would never have done that to him. Sorry it kinda hurt my feelings in case you didn't notice xD

That screenshot is gold though. Every point Marc makes is like that. It's infuriating, as there is no possible way he could still believe his own bullshit. And Kevin, as brilliant as he is (Mckernan) runs around wiping his ass for him and comparing those tiny brain simplifications to actual harm mechanisms. It pollutes the discussion, as while a bolus may harm or contribute in some cases, to say it is responsible for everything occurring is literally insane and delusional. But yeah, Marc is a chaos agent, I really do think so at this point. I mean just look at all this havoc he creates. If I'm wrong, then sorry Marc, but that's even worse, because that just means he's too stupid to comprehend how fucking dumb he looks to someone who knows their microbio well. And that's what shocks me about Kevin. Being rude AF to me because I don't care that Lee is hating on steve kirsch, while polishing Marc's balls for his afternoon hobby. That man needs to find some real friends other than cats and fucking DARPA agents or whatever the fuck that man is

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Heh. I thought you might enjoy the screenshot. Yeah, I know you were talking about McKernan and not McCairn (who only recently got his twitter account back).

Also, the thing I don't really get with Marc's theory is.. okay, so what should we do differently then? Inject even slower? By his own words, there's a 15% (or whatever percent) chance of hitting a small vein even with aspiration and I think he even said that "injecting slowly" doesn't help. Basically it's useless even if it's true. (Plus wouldn't it then be true for like every other injection known to man? But as soon as one needs to differentiate that by including what's "in" the bolus, one has to then deal with the toxicity of the contents --> which then begs the question of why we even care about the bolus?)

Anyhow, from other discussions, it seems like Marc, McKernan and a few others meet regularly with Steve Kirsch's group so there might be some incentive to "protect each other" which is a bit sad for #TeamReality. The truth doesn't need defending right? Set it free and it will defend itself right?

Anyhow, I think that in the end these will be minor bumps. Or we won't care as we're enslaved into tyranny. So we will have to win, even if we accept some "limited hangouts" (e.g. gecko's tails) to bring back some degree of normal. The other fight is much much much longer and can happen after all this BS is dealt with. (Namely start cutting down on the government agencies that have enabled this --> that will severely limit the power and reach of the other madmen out there (e.g. Gates, Rockerfellers).) We'll never be rid of people like that, but we can at least set back their efforts by decades or maybe even longer. (Of course they've messed up everything ... the food pyramid, medicine, etc...)

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I'm hoping you're getting well deserved rest and peace now. I felt very saddened that you weren't coming back. I have many threads and bookmarks of your tweets that I can no longer go back to, which also makes me sad. Your presence is missed for sure. However, Twitter is also up to it's shenanigan as @dr_sdrk has also reported recently not being able to see anyone's tweets.

I wasn't sure how to respond and I'm still not sure how to respond to it all. Yes, this fight is incredibly frustrating and it's hard to see why people will be against things that serve their interest. I think human egos have a lot to do with things. Maybe one day I'll write a substack, but I've been thinking about motivations lately. We are a bundle of motivations. When someone wants to "save lives", that is a motivation, however that motivation is not going to be as high as saving their own life -- or even getting paid more. So while it's true that they are motivated by one thing, other motivations will "shift" their behaviour at key points.

Like with Kevin, one of his motivations seems to be getting funding for his idea for a new "blockchain" journal. I'm not sure I understand it well enough to understand how it works (mechanistically). However, after that discussion with Rounding the Earth, I've seen him bring it up at multiple points. So, it could be an important motivation for him. To "appeal" to the mainstream (for funding reasons). I'm not saying I know anything about his motivations as I'm only guessing.

For myself, I tend to ignore bad behaviour. I just go around it. I've thought a long time about interacting with humans and their behaviour. It's just really hard to have a sane discussion sometimes around a disagreement. Calling it out is one thing, but have a protracted back-and-forth seems to be unfruitful. At some point the audience drops out and it's just 2 people having back-and-forths. It seems to be best to publicly state the counter clearly and then leave. (Of course, right now we're unable to read your counters... 😅 -- no worries, I'm sure some of them read it).

I don't think Kevin (or others) listened to this space, but when there's room to think @leelasik really does think on first principles. https://twitter.com/shmandalynn30/status/1616254214144925696

First of all, he surprised everyone by starting out apologizing to @DrSyedHaider. Then towards the end of the space he reveals 2 other "ideas" which may or may not be right, but it's good thinking.

1) He asks Dr. Haider what he thinks was more important to killing of viruses? RBCs or WBCs? Haider thought it was a trick question so said RBCs, but as soon as Dr. Lee pitched the question, I immediately though... oh yeah, RBCs have no nucleus --> the question of protein synthesis in an RBC is probably an open one still.

So his theory relies on math. Dr. Lee says there's a LOT more RBCs than there are WBCs -- viruses just bump into things randomly. And if viruses cannot replicate in RBCs and RBCs seem to have a lot of receptors, what if the receptor is a "trap" for viruses? Once inside they're stuck unless there's a protein factory...

2) Dr. Lee also thinks the use of psuedo-U (U') could be an issue. Basically what happens to U' after the mRNA transfection strand is cleaved up? U' is left around. Will it get reused? The use of U' seems to also be linked to misfolded proteins and possibly increased expression of proteins (because they are harder to destroy). I mean, a lot of this has to be looked at, but it's an excellent question to ask. Presumably other mRNA that are transcripted will reuse U', but not in the same concentration or locations as the codon-optimized version (I realize that the vaxx mRNA sequence is also optimized for codon choice for a given amino acid which in nature doesn't happen as frequently...) of the transfection agent. And if U' affects protein building speed and hence folding speed, what are the downstream affects of introducing a bunch of U' to the system?? (nucleotides are very stable since they're only covalent bonds, vs proteins which also require hydrogen bonds)

So it's almost inexcusable that they don't consider an outsider's view. It's because outsides are unencumbered by the existing paradigms that limit their thinking that they are worthwhile. I've had SOOO many good ideas explaining something to a junior who then asks what appears to be an innocent question that I realize I have answer for --> that none of the seniors have ever brought up. While it's pretty rare that a junior comes up with a completely solution all on their own, that outside question is often what sets the entire thinking off in the first place.

Anyhow, in the end, I really appreciated the bits you've shared with me and helped me understand. I don't think it's your duty to correct them. I don't even think it's your duty to argue with them. I think you bring a lot of value to the argument all on your own.

We all miss you on Twitter, but I think we can all understand where you're coming from. You're always welcome to come back, but I understand how this can be a soul and time sucking endeavour. Twitter is also technically very poor platform (e.g. I can't search posts I've liked or just RT'ed. In order to find anything, I have to search quoted RT's assuming I left the right words there. I can't search my DMs. I can't organize anything.... it just has a HUGE gap if it needs to be used that way --> it also has no permanence... accounts disappear all the time along with their tweets...).

All the best to you bionanon! May this craziness all stop soon (for the US first and then later for Canada and the other countries...). I'm hoping 2023 is a bottom so we might climb out around 2025... Change takes a lot of time and there's a lot of inertia behind this. There's also a lot of problems (e.g. jjcouey's point about the focus on the spike bad so they can continue w/ the mRNA platform for everything else --> yet the entire strategy and QC involved are highly questionable...).

Rest well my dear friend and thanks for all the things you've done so far. It might not mean much to others, but for a small mouse like I, it has been greatly appreciated.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

Thank you, I will be sure to rest. I'm taking the time to focus on my own life more than anything. I appreciate the kind words Sooth. Again I'm just exhausted more than anything, plus I'm sure you noticed this baggage and conflict goes much deeper than just what happened on Twitter. As for the m1Ψ, yes it is a problem for a multitude of reasons. It can cause stalls and stops when the mRNA is being generated from its DNA plasmid, due to the polymerase getting hung up on it. That means the mRNA that goes into the vials is likely already truncated in a certain percentage due to the use of m1Ψ. Another issue is the enrichment of guanine in the code. Each company used a different amount of Gs in locations they could swap it out and still get the same amino acid via a silent mutation. This is another form of "optimization" they performed, and it can result in the formation of quadruplex Gs. These two factors, along with other optimization techniques, create barriers and issues for the body's processing of these materials, to the point that I no longer believe they are easily degradable, as with traditional mRNA. Turns out RNases have issues breaking down RNA with m1Ψ and that has formed quadraplex Gs. It seems more likely to me that the "RNases destroyed the vaccine mRNA" is weakly evidenced, and that RNases NOT destroying the spike mRNA in a human body, is a stronger explanation why we can easily find spike vaccine mRNA in human lymph nodes after 60 days.

But enough with all that. Lee and everyone else will need to figure all that out. I gotta make money, and focus on my own life. There is no career path in this for me, and as a hobby/duty it has become too stressful/no longer required (lockdowns have stopped, and most tyranny has been kept at bay for now). I know you'd like to see me back, but you should honestly hope you never do. If I return it means the world is slipping back in the wrong direction. For now though, I'm hanging up my volunteer hat. I will lose knowledge over time as I don't read too, so keep that in mind if you come back asking questions in another 6 months, as I may not be as well versed by then (and won't want to read to catch up). I might retain most of this though. Not sure yet, I haven't quit studying since all this started. Anywho, take it easy Sooth!!!

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Yeah, I can totally see how it's exhausting. I already spend too much time on twitter and reading things -- and that is tiring enough, let alone doing research and fighting battles. (Spaces is exhausting though...) The years before twitter, I spent a lot more time searching for things (to answer questions). I had a small group of people I knew IRL questioning all of it. I actually lucked out in that I had this tiny group where we discussed everything and were willing to disagree on many things. This caused us to search for evidence. And then the pandemic hit, so we were able to flesh a lot of things out then -- most of my links are archived in this group (well technically I made a different group and we added more people to that group, but same concept). However, after joining twitter with an account (instead of just finding tweets accidentally with a search engine), the flow of information was much quicker (and the density is much higher). That also presented another problem. I can't read it fast enough (or rather I don't understand it fast enough).

So you're absolutely correct that people will have to figure it out themselves. If the mission is important enough, they will find a way. It's that simple. Meanwhile for you, the mission is to focus on your life, make some money, figure out what you want to do and how to be happy. That seems pretty important. As you pointed out, you are unlikely to pursue a career in it --> although I think we'd take you over Neil deGrasse Tyson anyday in terms of science knowledge. 😉 (So never say never...)

Also, every time I do talk to you, I learn something. So thanks for all that! The m1Ψ+G's issues and the observations about the machinery is really fantastic. Truncations, misfolded proteins, impurities ... basically we're waddling in the dark with sunglasses on, but the powers that be think we have a map. Many people think these machines are sentient but the only thing that has the ability to "move" is at a cell level (due to cilia and flagella --> but probably even only for eukaryotes). Well, recall ability to a topic depends on how often you recall it. Maybe I should just drop by every so often and ask you questions. 😉

As for showing back up on Twitter... good point. If we're slipping in the wrong direction, we'll expect you back in the fight! Until then, have a good rest, figure out what makes you happy and we'll always be around (somewhere) in case you need help.

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deletedJan 29, 2023Liked by Bioanon
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Absolutely, is there a DM function here on Substack? If not I'll give you an email

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deletedDec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022Liked by Bioanon
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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022Author

That would be awesome. There is way more evidence and more receptors to cover, I'm just super lacking in free time. Any help is appreciated, in fact after the first article I got a tip about CCR5, so that was a big fast tracking help. I may have misunderstood you though, not sure what "therapeutic" would mean in this context. Do you mean that the spike may be an attempt at an HIV vaccine? I don't think I've touched much on that. Or do you mean that monoclonal antibodies are a therapeutic peptide, if they are experimental HIV medications that inhibit immune cell receptors? I'm sorry if this question is confusing as well, if you wanna ignore until you have everything in order I can totally wait. I'm in no rush now that I feel base evidence is there for 1 receptor

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